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About the Park

The Parks of Study and Reflection are places which, more than anything, are meant for the study of Silo’s teachings that are both wise and kind.

They are also a haven for those whose hearts search for meaning, for those who stopped believing in false solutions, for those who still have hope.
There is still future!

The architectural elements and other objects found in this Park are common to all the Parks worldwide and reflect the way in which the human being has listened to and interpreted the echoes of  the sacred – from ancient times and in all cultures.

Globally, all the Parks are physically and mentally interconnected, since it is the same Purpose that animates this project everywhere, a Purpose tied to human evolution.

Sometimes the Parks are the site of great gatherings. Here neighbours, friends and family members enjoy celebrating different events together. Here it is easy to feel joy and kindness, and no one is ever asked about their personal beliefs.

None of these extraordinary places were built by, or for, any one individual. The Parks awaken and encourage the expression of a powerful sense of “collective unity,” something “transpersonal” that goes beyond the individual, beyond the “just for me or myself.”